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April 21, 2011 @ 7:30 PM

PRESENT: Kathleen Quinn, Ted Kreinik, Barbara Toomey, and Joe Borst
ALSO PRESENT: Fred Hurley and Tony Mitchell, Energy Coordinator of the Northwest Conservation District
ABSENT: Dan Holmes, Ben Roberts, Desiree Galassi and Sarah Hemingway

Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was called to order at 7:41 pm by Kathleen Quinn.

Communications: Mr. Mitchell asked if the group is getting his newsletters.  Mr. Hurley and Ms. Quinn said yes they are.

Public Comment:  None

Minutes from March 24, 2011:  Since there wasn’t a quorum the minutes were tabled until the May Sustainable Energy meeting.
Old Business:
  • Middle School Roof Update: Mr. Borst said that there was an article in the Newtown Bee recently about the roof.  Ms. Quinn suggested discussing this at the next Energy Meeting when Mr. Roberts and Mr. Holmes can update the group on their meeting with Bob.
  • Energy Awareness Month/Strive for 5:  Mr. Borst said that the Newtown Youth Academy ran out of Energy sign-up sheets.  Ms. Quinn said that she has received a total of 12 sign-ups so far.
  • ESCO Update:  Mr. Hurley reported that the consultant is putting together the RFP that will soon go out to the contractor.  He said that they will be advertising for the contractor before the end of May.  The project deadline is the end of May.
  • Gas Conversion Grant:  Mr. Hurley said that the people that created the report will be speaking to all the boards that provide funding to the project; this includes the Board of Selectmen, the Legislative Council, and the Board of Finance.  He added that they need to be educated on the project.  Mr. Borst asked Mr. Hurley if they will be meeting with the boards in one big meeting or meeting with them separately.  Mr. Hurley responded that they will most likely meet with each board separately.  Mr. Borst added that it would be a good idea for a member of the Sustainable Energy Commission to be at the meetings too. Mr. Kreinik asked when the conversion report will be presented.  Mr. Hurley responded that the reports have already been sent out but he is waiting for the consultant to present the reports to the boards.  Mr. Hurley added that he is hoping that this will be completed before the end of the school year.
Mr. Borst asked if natural gas is less expensive than gasoline.  Mr. Hurley responded that yes it is and the other benefit is that there is a big environmental boost.  He added that the majority of natural gas is produced in the United States.  Mr. Hurley said although he doesn’t think natural gas is a permanent solution, he feels it is a good transition.  He thinks multiple fuels will be best in the long term.
  • Waste Water Treatment Plant Solar update:  Mr. Hurley distributed the letter he received acknowledging that Newtown got the grant.  The grant will cover most of the costs of the installation and the Water and Sewer Authority will pick up the rest of the tab.  This will be a ground mounted solar-voltaic system.  This solar project will cover about 30% of the electricity at the Water Treatment Facility.  Mr. Hurley said the project should be constructed this summer and in operation by the fall.  He said Opal will be doing the project.  The group did have some discussion about the possibility of wind turbines in Newtown.  Mr. Hurley said that he is looking in to this for the future.  
  • Earth Day (April 30):  Ms. Quinn requested more volunteers to help with the booth on April 30.  The event is from 10 – 4.  Ms. Quinn said that she will be there most of the day. Mr. Borst asked if there was a sign-up schedule for that day.  Ms. Quinn responded that there wasn’t, she asked if people could come to the event when they have time that day.  Mr. Borst said he will be there and Ms. Toomey said that she will be there in the afternoon.
  • Free Solar Program for Municipalities and Nonprofit:  Ms. Quinn and Mr. Hurley met and identified 3 possible sites in Newtown, each very different.  The first site is Reed School; this would be an expansion to what is already there.  The second site is the Parks and Recreation garage, this is an existing structure.  The third site is the dog shelter that will be built in near future.  Ms. Quinn clarified these projects are only for solar installation.  
  • Community Innovations Grant - $4,000/Webinar: Ms. Quinn suggested tabling this discussion until the next Sustainable Energy meeting.  Mr. Borst volunteered to help with this initiative.
  • Transition Town Initiative/Energy Action Plan:  Ms. Toomey attended 2 day training in New Haven a couple weeks ago.  About 40-50 people attended the workshop.  The trainer was from MA.  Ms. Toomey said Transition Town is a world-wide movement that started in the UK.  She said that Transition Town is a long process.  The movement starts with an initiating group of about 10 – 13.  This initiating group takes about 1 – 2 years educating the town on how to be less reliant on oil.  She said that eventually some of the projects that come out of this are: community gardens and biking groups.  The main idea is that groups of people will work together for a common goal, to build a resilient community.  She added that one important component is talking to older people in town and giving them an opportunity to share how things used to be done.  Ms. Toomey said that this is not a political movement.  She said the initiating group does the awareness throughout the community. They target existing groups such as: the Rotary Club, religious groups, the Lion’s Club.  She said there are lots of resources available.  Mr. Kreinik asked if there are any Transition Towns in Connecticut.  Ms. Toomey said that Greater New Haven is the only one in Connecticut.  Ms. Toomey said that this Transition Town is a positive vision to bring your town into the future.  It is energy descent plan, with the ultimate goal taking about 20 years to achieve.  Ms. Toomey volunteered to help form an initiation group in Newtown and requested help from the Sustainable Energy Commission to recruit some volunteers.  Ms. Toomey added that she will send out some links to the group.
New Business:  None

~~Next Meeting Date:
  • The Sustainable Energy Commission will meet again on, Thursday, May 19, 2011 @ 7:30 PM
Sustainable Energy Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM by Ms. Quinn.
Respectfully Submitted by Allison Sharlow, Clerk.